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Attorney Brent T. Day founded our firm on the principle that providing quality legal service in a timely, cost-effective manner enhances our reputation and encourages clients to use us again.


Solon - lawmaker of Athens

Solon-The lawmaker of Athens

Solon (638 BC–558 BC) was an Athenian Statesman, Lawmaker, and Lyric poet. He is remembered particularly for his efforts to legislate against political, economic and moral decline in archaic Athens. His reforms failed in the short term yet he is often credited with having laid the foundations for Athenian democracy.

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Practice Areas

Our attorneys are engaged in virtually all fields of the law. Clients of Solon Law include independent businesses, individual citizens, and government authorities.

Your representation will receive that same quality of service regardless of the size or complexity of your issue.

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About Us

Our goal is to develop long-term client relationships, based on close cooperation and solid results. We are committed to providing quality legal services to our clients that enhances our reputation and encourages clients to use us again.

Our attorneys utilize state of the art technology and cost effective methods to provide services in a timely, professional and client focused manner.

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Solon Law LLC
P.O. Box 2545
Mobile, AL 36652
Ph: 251-441-1925